
Showing posts from March, 2020

News Key Terms

Context Refers to circumstances that can shape or influence something. Subsidary A small company owned and controlled by a larger, parent company. Mid Market Tabloid A newspaper that offers a mix of both soft and hard news content in its coverage of news to appeal to its target audience. Rhetoric Writing in a persuasive way to manipulate thereader into agreeing with a point of view. Ombudsman An official appointed to ivestigate public complaints against a company, organisation or public authority. Hyperbole Exaggerated statements and claims that are over the top in their expression. Progressives People who are forward-thinking and advocte social reform. Dual convergence Tabloids and broadsheets borrow conventions form each genre in the use of media language and values so they increasingly resemble one another. Platform A material or digital form, service or method of delivering media to an audience. Ofcom ofcom is the regulator for the sommunications service

Newspaper review - Wednesday 25th March 2020 - Lockdown

Masthead The title of the newspaper: Daily Mirror. The masthead connotes the Daily Mirror reflects on the news for readers everyday, making it important and reliable.  Headline The title given to the story: Please stay at home...  for me. The headline is simle, straightforward and pulls on the reader's heartstrings. Sub-heading Shorter than the headline: Coronavirus Crisis. This helps quickly summaries the day's main story. Splash The image taking up the majority of the page: Four year old girl undergoing cancer treatment. The text and image is splashed across the whole page connoting the story's importance. Main Image The dominant picture on the page: four year old girl undergoing cancer treatment. It's supposed to grab the readers attetnion and make them feel bad for all the sick children that the coronavirus could effect. Copy Body text, the writing that makes up the article. There are only two small collumns of copy, this connoted that the Daily

Newspaper Review - Tuesday 24th March 2020 - Lockdown

The Daily Star has chosen to use some WW1 British propaganda as their main story image, the worlds prom the propaganda poser have been altered from "Your Country Needs You" to this, the direct address of  Kitchener pointing and his direct gaze engages the reader, the word "you" also engages the reader and encourages to listen. The use of Propaganda connotes the idea of the government manipulation and encouragement. The use of language is informal, making it easy to read and fun, the word "naff" adds a sense of humor which makes the idea of self quarantine more approachable and funny. The newspaper shows no political allegiance yet it seems to make fun of Boris Johnsons words as he told people to stay at home for lockdown. Surprisingly the Prime Minister hasn't been used as the main photograph. The newspaper uses two sell lines, one about delivering the newspaper to your door and the other about McDonald's as everything will be shutting down due t

My magazine analysis

Masthead The name "Lustro" means mirror in Polish, a mirror being a beneficial item in the fashion industry. The colour chosen for this helps emphasise the time of release of the magazine. The placement and size will be the same for each magazine but the colour will change to suit the theme and time of year. Date Line The date line will also be in the same place in each magazine.  Feature Article Both covers have one feature article and this takes up most of the cover. Central Image Both covers will have one image, the setting and colour palette linking to the season. Cover Lines The main cover line is the feature article, other than that there will always be 3 cover lines with minimal wording to encourage the customer to buy it.  Color Palette Each cover uses different colour palettes but they are conventional in using 2 main colours that reinforce the season. This creates cohesive front covers that are usually appealing.  Barcode T